Payment Gateway

Payment Gateway

Centralizing payments to a single access point in a distributive network is a gold standard to enhance commerce in developing and emerging economies, where the payment infrastructure is not always developed with the optimized integration. 

Our PayTAS solution aims to facilitate interaction and improve the relationships between community institutions, and their citizens; and business and their customers. This objective is achieved by enhancing the flow of financial information and optimising payment methods between the various actors.

Payment Gateway Graph

Learn more about our e-payment solution gateway—PayTas and request a demo today

In this context, an institution may be a public administration entity (PA), e.g., health agency, a local council, a library, an identity card agency, a school, etc. or it may be a private business organisation (Corporate), e.g., a restaurant company, a telecom, utility provider, a fuel station, etc. or it may be a financial institution (FI), e.g., a bank, a credit card company or a collections agency.

The PayTAS solution aims to reduce the complexity of relationships between citizens, PA, corporates, and FI within the same community.  PayTAS is a collaborative solution; it is a multi-channel e-billing and a multi-channel e-payment system that aggregates services provided by its member institutions (PA, Corporate and FI) and provides competitive value for creditors (PA or Corporate) and debtors (Citizens or Corporate).