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How can a form impact a positive outcome when trying to automate a business process?

For the majority of systems, today “forms” are limited to be a static PDF or Word form. The key word is “static,” which means that all questions are on the form whether they apply to specific users or not. If a user is confused, they may go down one of several paths:

  • Supply extraneous information not required which adds time to sort through on your end
  • Skip key fields which delays processes and requires further interaction
  • Get frustrated with the process resulting in increasing calls in your company’s service center to increase workload and further slowing processes

Interested In E-Document Management?

iForm – The Solution

iForm can dynamically present only the content required based upon information entered by your client or constituent and can validate the correct information that has been completed prior to submission.

  • iForms enable clients to design interactive forms that change context of required information based upon real time input and then validates the information and assures all required fields have been completed.
  • Clients are able to design forms that replicate the actual use of the application screens themselves. The business rule logic running in the background enables the form to interpret responses on the fly intelligently changing subsequent fields to assure the data collected is accurate, relevant, and ready to auto populate a line of business application.
  • Data from applications can be downloaded to prepopulate iForms to eliminate manual data entry.

iForm – At a Glance

The iForm module brings together a combination of configurable features to accelerate the rapid design of forms, workflows, and intuitive business processes.

  • Drag and Drop form designer to design an intuitive interface to your business process
  • Automate the downloading and uploading of data to third party applications
  • Create workflow to automate and organize the business process
  • Track every time a business process is started
  • Show each time a person changes the data in the process
  • Control visibility and read-only access to fields
  • Include business rules to control workflow and data captured in a business process
  • Contains multi-page forms
  • Calculate to streamline and provide accurate results
  • Script to build custom business rules and responsive messages
  • Facilitate surveys or questionnaires with wizard-based forms
  • Create line items to facilitate any number of items for a form—Drive workflow actions for each line item
  • Upload to organize documents based on business rules
  • Secure e-signatures to capture acknowledgments or approvals
  • Print to facilitate paper copies when required
  • Provide context menus and custom tabs to control and focus the business process
  • Support versioning of iForms